Thursday, January 28, 2010


Ben loves bubbles, always bring them to me to blow, even if the container is empty. He gets a huge kick out of popping them so the other day when we took a trip to Toys R US I found a "hippos" (that's how he says Hippo) bubble machine and scooped it up thinking he would go nuts for it. He was actually more afraid of it than excited by it but I have a feeling that will change. Here are some of his expressions...


When Ben woke up from his nap today we cuddled on the couch after he turned on his Zoo video, under a snuggly blanket. I kept telling him the name of the animals and he would either repeat me or say "No, no"...guess I was wrong and I don't know a monkey when I see one? A few minutes after we were snuggled together he said "Hug" and I asked him if he wanted a hug and again he said "hug", he just needed a little squeeze and I think my heart expanded a thousand times its' regular size. While being a Mom has its' challenges it also has some of the sweetest moments I've ever experienced! Hug...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Some of Ben's peeps

We've been having a lot of fun lately. A few things we've done are, going to the Zoo, most recently Ben got to go with his Best friend Aaron and those two little pups just crack us up, they truly love each other! We ask them to give kisses or high 5's and not only so they do it, they do it happily (much to the dismay of their Dad's, ha ha)! Auntie Ro and Uncle Sam stopped by and we read books and visited, we always love the time we get to spend with them and Ben seemed to want to show off his reading skills to Uncle. Then Grammy came down and we took her to The Children's Museum, the "happiest place in Phoenix", she enjoyed seeing Ben play and really get in to everything there! Every week is a new adventure with our little guy, he brings quite a bit of entertainment to our lives!

Friday, January 22, 2010

And he counts!

Today while Ben was having his peanut butter crackers we were counting them with him and he can repeat us but today he put them in his little cup and said "One, Two, Three!" My little man once again blows my mind! He has been really repeating so much of what we say and getting so good at remembering the animals in his book, it's really sweet to see him point to the bear and say "Baaaeeeaaaa", his own way of pronouncing bear. Loads of cuteness make up for the tantrums that seem to be coming more often, it's got to be frustrating to not "fully" be able to communicate, but he sure is coming along!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Our little man is really starting to talk, mostly repeating us but also responding to us. I just asked him is he was hungry and he replied "No, not hungeee". He cracks me up constantly!