Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ben and Carter together again, oh my gosh are they cute boys!

It was so sweet to see them together again! We look forward to many more playdates! They are less than a month apart in Age, Dec 1st and Dec 28th!
Hi Mom! Okay, I'm smiling, happy?! It's SO fake! Ha ha ha ha ha!

"Hi! It's Ben"
I LOVE spaghetti and garlic bread Mom!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

My little fella and I, before Mommy and Daddy had a date! Woo Hoo!

Mama and Papa came to babysit, they had quite a lot of fun with our guy!
Ben loves bathtime!
He plays with all of his toys, splashes and screams joyful noises!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A day in the life of Ben, a happy baby boy!

I really like this song on your IPod Mom!

Hey Cool Rocker, Shiloh!

Ben had so much fun playing with his girfriend, Shiloh!

They ate together at her little table and played with all sorts of fun toys.

Just being my handsome fella.

Great Grandpa Dave and GrandMary came over for a visit, it was so nice to see them and Ben apparently didn't want them to leave.

Hey Ma, look how good I am on my walker!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Through April......

Hey Ma, no more photos! Geez!

Here Ben, I have a snack for you!

One of Benjamin's favorite things is BUBBLES!
He was NOT thrilled that I thought this was the funniest things I have ever seen!

Easter at the JW Marriot, we had such
a great evening and we even saw a bunny, no not THE easter bunny but a bunny nonetheless.
Mom and Dad came for a visit, they just adore every move Ben makes so it's really nice to show off every fun thing he does! Watch Mom, he claps when I sing "If you're happy and you know it"! Watch mom, watch Mom.....

I could never tire of photographing the life of Ben...

I like riding on Uncle Paul's shoulders!
Beautiful, Wonderful, Smart and Lovely Cousins Amy and Sydney came to Arizona for a visit and we got to see them!

Look at those chompers! He has 8 in the front, 2 molars and is getting two more on each side on top and I think I saw another Molar coming in! Yowza!

He snuggled with the new pillows Grammy made.

The HUGE tower of blocks cousins Amy and Sydney made for him, it even spelled out Ben across the top.

Ben's first baseball game, we had a great time, the weather was lovely and the spirits were high!
Auntie and Uncle came down and we got to go to lunch and shopping with them for my birthday, that was a really fantastic day!

Here are some more...a lot has happened in 3 months:-)

Ben got his very first haircut and he actually liked it! The
car was pretty cool to sit in and it sorta tickled!

Aaron's FIRST Birthay! He was adorable and we all had a blast!
Of Course Ben swang!
This was the day of Ben's haircut, we played (they played) while we were waiting.

Ben at Aaron's FIRST Birthday party:-) Happy Man!

So, it's been awhile....

His footsie Jammies don't even fit anymore, he's gotten so
He loves this Monkey rug we picked up for $2.50 at Target
Think he knows what to do when Mama has a camera?
Adoring Grandparents come for a visit:-)
Hey Mom, why'd ya have to dress me all silly?
The boys go for a ride
Hey Aaron, can I go for a ride on yer back?
A little dirty but oh so cute:-)

Okay so I changed my mind, realizing that I don't have to post pictures on here all the time, I shouldn't necessarily stop altogether. I still prefer facebook, possible for the responses, the feedback that comes along with the posts/uploads but I will want to chronicle Ben's life and look back and see the sequence of photos. Uuugh, now let me post some (I've taken like 3 thousand since January, so selecting certain ones to update with may be tricky...hahaha!) I can't promise you'll be seeing as many pictures on here as on facebook but I'll get back in to it. My next endeavor will be learning how to post video, what fun that will be!