Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ben has been very entertaining lately, just cracking us up. This morning in the bath, (he had to have one before we go to the gym because he still had paint on himself from yesterday's painting he was doing outside, he loves to paint but it gets on his knees, elbows, everyhere) I wanted to feel his molar that just came in and see if there were any others (bad idea) and he bit me, hard. I screamed, some not too appropriate words, he, of course, repeated me and then I couldn't stop laughing. I know, BAD Mama, but it WAS funny. So, what does he say, as tears are streaming down my cheeks from the pain and his humor?? He tells me I'M FUNNY. He loves to say funny, particularly when someone is laughing. They call him "The greeter" at the gym because of his friendly nature and wanting to say "Hi" to everyone that comes in to the daycare, then if they laugh he says "funny". However, he's the funny one!

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