Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Luckily James was able to take a day off work so that we could go play in Oak Creek Canyon with Grammy and Papa and escape the heat for a day. It was exactly what the Dr. ordered for all 3 of us. Ben was a terrific little hiker, loved the water and rocks and showed no fear even though he did wipe out twice, just got right up, those rocks can be a little slippery. We started out having sandwiches at Garlands, a great spot in the canyon and then after our hike stopped at "World of Jerky" so James could get his craving taken care of. Afterward we went to Los abrigados park to see the ducks and play, there was a cool ginormous chess/checkers game board and pieces Ben liked playing with and a prayer labyrinth to walk with a peace pole in the center, we joked that Ben was cheating and not walking it correctly. We finished the day with some cold brewski's from Oak creek brewing company along with hot dogs, chili and Brats and had the nice surprise of Kris stopping by to say "hi", it's been way too long since we got to see her and Ben was definitely drawn to her, he repeated "buh bye Kris" more times than I can count.

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