Sunday, December 5, 2010

Benjamin's 3rd Birthday!

We had such a great, spread out birthday week for our sweet boy! On his actual birthday I took him to the McDonald's by the mall that has Dinosaurs that are as big as the real ones were and speakers that have loud Dinosaur noises, it scared him to death, the tight grip around my neck and the fact that he wouldn't get down were just some indications of that so to make things a little more relaxed we went to the Carousel. That, he still won't ride on a real animal but loves and talks about all the time, he always wants to go, but only to sit on a bench. Shortly after our nap out friends Salomon and Roxanna came over to play with the new train set from Grandpa which he loves but doesn't quite understand how to use yet, in time. We made Pizza and had cake and then went to "Chuck O Cheese" and his favorite part was Daddy playing the games as he pulled the tickets out of each machine. He LOVED being there. We had a blast. It was an extraordinary day for our little man and so hard for me to believe he is actually 3 years old. Where did the time go? He has added so much joy and love to our lives and we have experienced more amounts of fun than we ever knew possible. They say you'll never know true love until you become a parent and I did know what it was when I met James but now there is one person I think about their well being, safety and happiness more than anyone in the world. I love my boy so much and treasure each moment with him.

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